I promised you guys the list of things that would be more fun than writing a trig paper...so here ya go.
- Shoving a red hot ice pick through our temples.
- Stepping on a landmine.
- Getting a Grand Piano dropped on us.
- Undergoing open heart surgery. …Without anesthetic.
- Dipping our legs into a bucket of highly concentrated Hydrochloric acid.
- Getting shot in the face. …With a bazooka.
- Being dragged behind a train all the way to New York.
- Going for a swim with man-eating sharks. …With an open wound.
- Going deep sea diving. …With a boulder tied to our ankles.
- Jumping out of a plane. …With a parachute that won’t open.
- Doing the running of the bulls. …In a wheelchair.
- Being dropped into a pit of asps. …Without Indiana Jones there to get us out.
- Running a marathon. …On our hands.
- Being a crash test dummy.
- Being beat mercilessly by a black belt in karate.
- Taking a baseball bat to the skull. …Repeatedly.
- Repelling. …Alone. …With a frayed rope.
- Being hit by a semi-truck. …Doing 80 on the interstate.
- Getting trapped in a horror film.
- Going bungee jumping. …With a “friend” that is trying to kill us.
- Getting trampled by a crazed herd of elephants.
- Being thrown out of a spaceship. ...Without a spacesuit or oxygen tank.
- Hang gliding. …With a holey hand glider.
- Getting eaten by an anaconda.
- Committing mass suicide.
- Hugging a hobo. (Mind Two came up with this one...all by herself!!)
- Getting put into a wood chipper.
- Getting a severe case of smallpox.
- Slamming our heads in a car door.
- Eating a stick of lit dynamite.
- Being buried alive.
- Cutting our hearts out. ...With an extremely dull butter knife.
- Be thrown off the top of the Empire State building, by Hungarian Terrorists.
- Being chased around by a psycho ax-murderer.
- Writing a paper about anything else in the entire world.
Mind one!! :D
- playing rock paper scissors with Edward Scissor hands
- knuckle bumping freddy Kreuger.
- Trying to remove your own tonsils with a chainsaw
- Getting your heart cut out with a rusty spoon.
- Spooning with Jabba the hut.
I give up. I'm going to go eat sour patch kids now...
As I have told you before...........I have never once used Algebra in my adult life. Not once!!! The only thing I learned in that class was that the words A...L...G...E...B...R...A made a word, that in my opinion should be ranked up in the highest of profanity words!! I use fractions in cooking. I use basic addition, subtraction & multiplication, and occassionally even basic division, but not ONCE have I ever had to use ALEGBRA!! Just saying.........