Thursday, January 24, 2013


Mind one.
So by now, if you have spent any time on the internet at all, chances are you have seen this picture, in various forms.

(This girl looks a lot like one of our teachers, and its freaking me out.)
This picture makes us laugh, so we decide to reenact this picture, but with various captions. So this post will be a bunch of those pictures, some of the minds being...well...mindy. And there will be funny pictures, and some hilarious jokes, basically, this post is designed to make you laugh.

Mind one's first picture.
Some people think that a rose in your teeth while taking a picture is sexy. I've got starbursts on a stick. Nailed it.
(In case you are wondering, that is indeed a t shirt behind me, with black hand prints on the boob area, somethings are not meant to be explained.)

Mind two's first pictures.
...master has given dobby a sock?

Mind Two:
Reading Mockingjay the other day. Thinking about the movies they must be making for it. (*Warning* This part of this post contains spoilers about the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy. Like how that book isn't as good as the first two and you are probably wasting your time reading it. So if you are in the middle of Mockingjay or just starting or whatever, just skip this part of the post.)
Anyway, that got me thinking, what if they decide to spilt this movie into two parts, like they did with Harry Potter. They will most likely end up splitting it at the part where Peeta lunges for Katniss. Like she walks into the room and then you see him lunge for her and grab ahold of her neck and then her choking and the anger in his eyes and the BOOM! They roll the credits. And then we will all just be sitting in the theater like this:

Mind Two:
Sent to me from Mind One with this caption:
Because. You just never know when there might be a penis in the leaves. (After seeing that one of the ways people find our blog is by searching for "Pocahontas in the leaves penis".
What you actually look like when you smile with your mouth open:
When the teacher says find a partner. And I do this:
And you do this:

Also, that cat is back. (Talking about a cat that has been scratching at her window)

And a drawing she sent me:

Mind Two:
A conversation between the minds:

Mind One: are you trying to seduce me??
Mind Two: Is it working??

Mind One: Hell yes.

 Mind One: Call my smile creepy ever again and I'll beat you.
Mind Two: This twig bitch will take you on.

Mind One: I'll make grilled cheese with your hair.

And now because you probably think we are really creepy, a redeeming photo of the minds looking sexy as hell.

Mind one.
What do vampires call people in wheelchairs? Meals on wheels.

More mind one.
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(Story of my freaking life.)

Mind Two:
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Duck Season

Mind one here!

I have one word for you, and that word is manikins. Those things, are the scariest shit ever, I understand the need for a store to model some select outfits, but this could happen with strategically place clothes hangers. I have seen many strange manikins in my life, but there are a few that top the list.

First off, dressing your manikin like a whore.
Unless the name of your store is "Forever Slutty" you should probably dress your manikins, a little more modestly. If I see one more manikin wearing a red bra and a netting shirt, I will lose my mind. Also, underwear on a manikin? Seriously? If your goal is to sell clothes, may I suggest you do not give the manikins panty lines. Nothing says, "avoid this store, our clothes SUCK!" quite like a nice panty line in the front window.

Secondly, eyes.
Just. Don't. Do. It. Manikins, are just big dolls, and a vast majority of them are all one color, and have no defined facial features. This is for a reason, because giant dolls with life like eyes staring down at you while you're trying to pick out pants, is scary shit. Just the eyes too, and why is that? You already crossed the line, might as well put some harlot red lipstick, and blush on the things while you're at it. "Forever Slutty" strikes again.

Thirdly, the duck face.
WHAT IN THE FREAKING HELL MADE YOU CREATE A MANIKIN WITH THE DUCK FACE?????????!!!!!!!!!! I hate the duck face, because well...

You look like that. No one likes that. (Lady, if you're reading this, calm your tits.)
Not only was this manikin going hardcore duckface, oh no, she was doing that whole Jersey Turnpike move. Like this.

Who does this??? I imagine the board of the manikin company having a meeting like this.
"We need to attract the young crowd with our life size doll things!!!"
"What about the duck face? I hear that is soooo the new shiiit maan!!!"
"Good start Steve!! We need more! More more more!!!"
"Lets have the manikin stick out its ass!!!"
"You're a genius Frank, a damn genius."

And yes, we did take a picture of this manikin, mind two will post it somewhere below here.

Mind Two:
I made it extra large so you could really get the full effect of this madness. I am also a tiny bit sorry for the damage this has probably done to your eyes.
 (M1. I forgot to mention they were bald. Nice. Also its like ass on ass raping the other manikin.)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Notes from a Potterhead

Mind one.

I'm a self diagnosed potterhead suffering from post-potter depression. It hits me at random points during the day. Like I'll be in math learning about trig and such, when all the sudden my brain whispers to me. "Dobby died." Screw you brain, you're a jerk. Or I'll be in english writing one hell of a speech and brain goes. "Sirius is deaaaaad." GO TO HELL BRAIN.
I love the Harry Potter books, movies, and really anything that relates to Harry Potter. I do however, have a list of things that I would change about the series, if I could time travel and make J.K. do my bidding.

1. Don't effing kill Dobby!!!!!


2. Don't murder anyone in the Weasley family.

Or Molly will do to you, what she did to Bellatrix, and she had it coming, and you do now.

3. Everytime you kill someone, this is pretty much what I feel like.

4. You claim you killed off so many people so that this book would really be the last, well that is just rude. I don't care if you're tired of writing about potter.

5. How I felt when you threatened to kill harry. (he is mine)

6. What I will do If I ever meet Tom Felton

Alright, now I'm just on a Potter rampage, enjoy.
Maggie Smith shot the last three HP movies while undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. She said she wouldn't allow it to beat her, and she was going to see the project through because it was one of her favorites in her career of acting. What an inspiration to us all

Maggie Smith shot the last three HP movies while undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. She said she wouldn't allow it to beat her, and she was going to see the project through because it was one of her favorites in her career of acting.

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(I really love Alan Rickman)
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I picture Snape having this whole internal commentary on everything. Like here he would be all.
"Why are two girls fighting over a ginger?"
"The only thing he senses is your souls, and he wants to steal them."
"Won-won? Is that a disease? Dear god let it not spread."
"pfft. :D ten points to just ron weasley!!"

this made my life!
“PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS — itty bitty living space.”  — Genie
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Why am i laughing

HP Lion King
Oh yes.

So cute!

Harry Potter

And one final note.
Idk why I find this so funny...I'm dying.

Mind Two:
This youtube video.

Harry Potter love

Harry Potter's iPhone

Harry Potter

harry potter humor!

Harry Potter Love.


Only gingers will get this one:

Pimp ass Harry Potter
Yo momma harry potter edition
Completely accurate. Book harry kind of looke like Darren Criss in A very Potter Musical. ;)


Harry Potter

Harry Potter

harry potter. harry potter. harry potter.

This is one of my favorite parts.

Harry Potter