In honor of Flashback Friday, I would like to tell everyone a story about the time I accidentally got my friend and I banned from the library for life.
First of all, you should know that I did basically nothing my senior year of high school. I worked my ass off the first three years of high school, so I decided a break would be nice before I had to go on to the much more challenging world of college. For my 6th period class, I had "independent study", which meant I was supposed to be doing my online English class, but really I sat in the library and bullshitted with people for an hour. As it happens, one of these friends was The Boy Who Ripped His Pants, and the other was my friend who was taking online English with me. We shall call her Moony, as dubbed by Mind One.
Now the thing about the three of us is that we are all hilarious people. So it's not really our fault that we tend to laugh a lot, especially at each other's jokes. And sometimes we get a little bit loud, but it didn't really matter that much because there was never anyone else in the library.
The day of the Incident started off perfectly normal. Moony and I were sitting on the couch in the library, and The Boy wandered over from the front desk to join us. We weren't being any louder than normal, but the librarian was in a particularly bad mood. She came over to tell us to get to work. We politely informed her that all the computers were full, because an entire class with their teacher had come in to use the computers. She glared at us for a minute, then snapped at The Boy to get back to the desk. She mumbled under her breath all the way to her office. Moony and I continued talking for a while. With approximately 2-3 minutes left of class time, the class that had come in all logged off the computers and left. This prompted the librarian to pick up where she left off yelling at us. She told us that now we needed to get to work because the computers weren't full anymore. We, again politely, informed her that there were less than 5 minutes left in class and we wouldn't even have time to get logged on. Her response to this was, "Fine, than you can just leave."
I was shocked by this outburst of rudeness. Moony and I started packing our things. On the way out of the door, I smiled over my shoulder at her and said in my sweetest, sappiest voice, "Have a nice day, [librarian]."
The next day in a different class, my friend got called to the office and informed me that the counselor had been the one to call her out of class, saying that the librarian didn't want us in the library anymore, so we were to go to her office from now on.
One more small detail. It has been questioned several times whether or not I added a "bitch" on to the end of that last sentence. I am not willing to confirm or deny this because I actually can't remember anymore. Everyone knows I don't have the best control over my mouth, so it wouldn't be a surprise if this last part actually happened.
This whole fiasco prompted my science teacher to hang this up in his classroom, for a few months. It might actually still be there.
The fact that is says "look how much a single smile can do" just makes everything a million times better.
Moony has informed me that I did not call the librarian a bitch, no matter how much I wanted to.
She also said the reason we didn't get a computer was because we were actually helping the librarian haul books to the dumpster, which makes me feel completely justified in all of my actions.
One last thing. Did I mention Moony and I (Mind Two) were the valedictorians? Well we were and I'm pretty sure we were the only valedictorians to get kicked out of a library.